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Recap of our 2022 Back to School Bash


We have all heard the saying "It takes a village." While this saying normally refers to raising a child, the same can be used when referring to rebuilding the community as a whole. JumpStart understands the importance in creating a circle of support within the community. Through various community outreach events we maintain the vision of empowering one another transforming the world!

This years back to school bash was a huge success. With the help and participation of several community partners, Richmond Public Schools Center for Families in Transition, Richmond Public Schools Preschool Enrollment, and community vendors we were able to alleviate some of the burden financially for over 50 families.

JSU2 blessed 100 children with bookbags filled with school supplies. Kids received snack bags, participated in a back to school scavenger hunt, played musical chairs and other various games for prizes.

We hosted raffle drawings every half hour with prize giveaways, and a final raffle to win the grand prize, a Amazon Gift Card.

Over 25 children were blessed with free hair cuts sponsored and provided by Hall of Fades Barbershop

Pictured to the right is the owner and licensed barber Adnan "Jake" Beatty.

Pictured below is Hall of Fades student barber/apprentice showing off his skills
Many of our client's were unable to attend the bash. We took it to the street and made arrangements to hand deliver the supplies to them ensuring no one was left out!

We want to again give a huge shout out to everyone that participated, sponsored, donated, promoted, or just showed interest in this event. You all are a part of the village and together we can and will make a difference! If you missed this year's event. there is always next year. Follow us on social media platforms to stay up to date with any events we sponsor and promote!

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